
How Electronic Parts Catalogue Software is Making Parts Management a Child’s Play?

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

Every machine is built from hundreds and hundreds of spare parts and every OEM deals in a large number of machines with multiple models to match the varying demand of customers. However, managing thousands of spare parts has become a challenging task for OEMs. Intellinet has specially designed Electronic Spare Parts Catalog Software for eradicating the issues involved in spare parts management.

Electronic Parts Catalogue Software digitalizes the manual catalogue for spares. This software is embedded with numerous unique features which make it a one-stop solution for spare parts management and sales. Let’s know how these unique features of electronic spare parts catalogue is making parts management a child’s play for OEMs –

Electronic Spare Parts Catalog Software

Electronic Spare Parts Catalog Software

Instant updates with just a click – Updating parts catalog was one of the major challenges for OEMs as it consisted of entire reprinting and redistribution process. It was not only costly but also time-consuming. However, electronic parts catalog software allows them to update the catalog just by feeding the information of the new parts, removing the obsolete parts. EPC software offers instant catalog update along with 2-D graphics, diagram etc.

Spare Parts Catalogue

Parts Catalog Software

Accessibility on multiple channels – Electronic spare parts catalog software is also accessible via multiple channels which include web, desktop, mobile and CD/DVD. Thus, offers OEMs to update their dealership network with the changes instantly and easily. Intellinet also offers native Android and IOS mobile app for meeting the technological requirements of today’s world.

Spare Parts Catalog

Spare Parts Catalog

Remote data update facility – OEMs also have their dealer network in numerous remote areas and EPC software also offers remote data update facility. Dealers in remote areas can easily update their catalog via web server and stay updated with the changes.

Easy integration with other programs – Electronic spare parts catalogue also offers easy integration with other programs such as SAP, ERP, DMS etc. Integration with other advanced application automates other spare parts related process such as ordering process, stock management, stock tracking and a lot more.

Automotive Parts Catalog Software

Automotive Parts Catalog Software

Automated parts return process – In addition to the above-listed process, Intellinet also offers automation of parts return process. OEMs and dealers can easily save time consumed in part return process as well as improve the communication with their respective customers.

Instant access to the important information – Electronic spare parts catalog software also allows OEMs to provide dealers with instant access to the important information. Intellinet also offers the automation of ECI and ECN process which make the entire information related to part modification and update instantly available to the entire dealership network. In addition, manufacturers can also attach bulletins and notes to a particular model, component or part number to provide dealer with an immediate access to the important information.

So, these were the special features of Electronic Parts Catalogue Software makes spare parts management a child’s play for OEMs. In addition, other unique features of EPC software such as inbuilt e-commerce facilities, order management, stock intelligence etc. help OEM to boost aftermarket sales and reap maximum profit from one of its major profit centers i.e. aftermarket sales.

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