Original Equipment Manufacturers Provide warranty to the Dealers, Distributors and Customers for the products which have been sold to them. These warranties carry different terms and conditions and are different from product to product. Warranty provided by original equipment manufacturer helps in building trust with Dealers and customers but due to inefficient warranty management system, they find it difficult to manage warranty and also results in increase in cost to original equipment manufacturers.
To achieve the goal of efficient warranty management system at reduced cost, Intellinet has come up with web based online system as Intelli Warranty Management System. WMS is developed keeping in focus the day to day challenges which original equipment manufacturers are facing and help them to provide warranty to dealers and customer at reduce Cost. Intelli warranty management system uses the algorithm that has reduced the life cycle of the claim right from entering data in this online warranty software till the claim is accepted therefore make it easier for OEM and dealers to speed up the process of claim settlement and help the OEM in managing the cost attached with warranty.
Below are the benefits of using intelli warranty management system -
- Short Claim Life Cycle - Warranty Management System uses latest technology and algorithms with which life cycle of the claim has been reduced. This reduction in life cycle of the claim has made it possible for early settlement of the claim submitted by dealers and OEMs are able to take faster decision on the claim submitted to them for their review.
- Reduce Cost - iWMS is easy to manage and even the non-technical OEM is able to update the data related to warranty claim. Warranty management system provided by Intellinet is easy to maintain and with reduce life cycle of claim it is cost efficient.
- Communication between Dealers and OEM - iWMS web-based solution comes with a unique feature with which dealer and original equipment manufacturer can communicate with each other. This communication helps in exchanging of remarks and comments which ultimately results in avoiding any dispute between Dealers and OEMs and making early settlement of claim possible. This unique feature reduce the time to transfer the information between the two as a result, it brings transparency in claim settlement.
- Live Tracking of Claim - With intelli warranty management system, it is possible for dealers and OEM to keep them updated with the latest status of the claim and hence they can keep the live tracking of the claims. As iWMS is a web-based warranty management system, any dealer or OEM can access the same using the provided credentials and can check the status of the claims.
- Reconsideration of Claim - There are circumstances when based on business rules and warranty coverage, original equipment manufacturer rejects the claim. iWMS provides the functionality to the dealers that they can request to reconsider such rejected claims from OEM and can submit the request again so that OEM can reconsider all such resubmitted claims which were rejected earlier and based on OEM discussion with Dealer, they can take the decision on such rejected claims and can reconsidered those claims again.
Managing Warranty is one of the most critical tasks which every OEM has to do as a part of After Sale Services which they provide to dealers and hence the cost efficiency of warranty management software plays a vital role in managing the warranty.
For more information and details about all the benefits of Intelli Warranty Management System and our other World class products, visit our website www.intellinetsystem.com.