Case Study

Redefining Parts Ordering
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How Intelli Commerce Empowered A Leading OEM’s Distributor-Retailer Network by Enhancing Transparency

Major Challenges Faced by the OEM

Lack of Visibility into Secondary Sales Data

TheOEM struggled with a lack of visibility into secondary sales data. Ordersplaced by retailers through distributors often went unreported to the OEM asdistributors often don’t show interest in stocking a slow-moving part with highMOQ. This lack of transparency not only impacted their collective sales, butinadvertently also promoted the sales of non-genuine parts, tarnishing thebrand's reputation.

Ever-EvolvingParts Quality & Pricing

OEMsare continuously working to improve product quality while introducing new partnumbers every now and then. In the fast-moving global economy, pricing alsofluctuates frequently along with the enhanced quality and impact. In a manualsystem, it becomes very challenging for distributors to keep track of these newly-introducedspare parts and their changing prices.

Constant Delays in Order Processing

Retailersexperienced delays in receiving their desired parts due to manual orderprocessing. Sales executives, often in the field, collected orders daily butfaced challenges in putting them into the OEM's ERP system the same day. Thiscycle of getting orders but not listing them the same day resulted in anever-ending delay which hindered timely order fulfillment and end customersatisfaction.

Lackof Clarity in Order Status Updates

Retailersoften expected the sales executives to provide the status of orders collectedduring the last visit. However, since the sales executives are always on themove, they often lack this information, causing new orders to be delayed.Therefore, this hackneyed process of collecting orders, but not having anyclarity about the order status updates become another major challenge for theOEM.

High Costs of Onboarding Sales Executives

Giventhe necessity of maintaining a vast network of retailers, an equally large teamof sales executives is required to visit these retailers at least once in aweek. However, bringing new sales professionals onboard and training them forthe job involved a huge chunk of cost and time for distributors. Retaining sucha workforce in a fast-paced economy is a significant challenge fordistributors.

How We Resolved These Challenges

Quick Ordering with Mobile App: Westarted off by developing user-friendly native Android and iOS apps for a broadnetwork of distributors. The app interface is tailored to simplify spare partsidentification and ordering by distributors and retailers.

Advanced Search Options: Ouradvanced search option included voice, QR code, VIN, and figure search forefficient and quick parts identification. The idea behind this strategy was tomake sure that each product is found with profound ease.

Inbuilt Rules for Transparency: IntelliCommerce allows OEMs to explore and control the option to map certain detailssuch as which distributor can sell to which retailer or which sales executivewould collect orders from which retailer.

Direct Retailer Ordering: Flexibleand intuitive layout of Intelli Commerce platform also enabled retailers toorder directly via the mobile application, which can effectively reduce thedependency on distributor field forces.

Quick Parts Ordering: Nowusers can quickly place orders based on previous purchases by individualretailers or the entire network, all available at the click of a button forfast and efficient ordering, reducing the risk of missing orders.

Distributor Back Office:We have customized a web-based admin panel which is available to the OEM and eachdistributor, allowing them to efficiently track and process all orders placedby sales executives or retailers in real time.

ERP Integration:Orders placed through the Mobile App or Web App are directly created in theOEM's ERP system (such as SAP). Dispatch details from the ERP are alsointegrated with our system, providing retailers with a single source of truthfor all orders, including open and backorders.

Analytics and Stock Analysis:Utilizing historical order data from distributors and retailers enablesaccurate stock prediction at various warehouses, minimizing order fulfillmentdelays and enhancing overall customer satisfaction with utmost transparency.

Results Achieved by the OEM with Our Solutions

The implementation of the solution yielded significant improvements and outcomes:

Increased Sales:Sales of genuine parts increased due to enhanced visibility into partavailability and pricing data.

Reduced Costs:Costs were reduced as parts ordering became easier. Fewer sales executives wereneeded to visit retailers, as retailers could place orders themselves.

Reduced Support Calls:Retailers could easily track the status of their orders, leading to asignificant reduction in support calls.

Scalability:The system provided the backbone for the OEM to rapidly scale to newterritories, with a reduced learning curve due to the digital system.

Sales Data Prediction:OEMs could predict sales more accurately based on the collected sales data,leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Unlockthe full potential of your secondary network (distributors and retailers) & elevate sales of your genuine parts with Intelli Commerce!

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