Modernization in terms of introducing new products and spare parts in the market is the key of Automotive Industries these days. Efforts of original equipment manufacturer are not only limited in maintaining the prevailing line of products but they are also outlay a huge amount in research and development to introduce new products and Parts in the market. Whenever original equipment manufacturers introduce new products, spare parts and accessories parts in the marketplace, information about the same needs to pass on to the Dealers.
With old-fashioned approach of printing the parts catalogue by original equipment manufacturer, original equipment manufacturer finds it too hard and problematic to provide awareness about the availability of the latest spare parts and accessories to dealers on real time basis and the cost of reprinting these parts catalogue is also much expensive which needs to be reprinted every time if there is any change or update required.
Original equipment manufacturers face this issue which has become an annoying process for them. To keep in view this challenge Intellinet has come up with a solution as in Intelli electronic parts catalogue. Intelli electronic parts catalogue is a digital solution which is available online for original equipment manufacturer with which they are able to maintain the details and prices of their existing line of products, spare parts and accessories but with few steps they are able to upgrade the information related to Products, spare parts and accessories.
Kind of updates OEM do in Electronic Parts Catalogue
Whenever any original equipment manufacturers introduce any new parts or if they need to update the details or prices of already existing spare parts and accessories, they need to update the different details and attributes of the spare parts in Electronic Parts catalogue. It may happen that due to some engineering or technical or due to some business decisions, prices of the parts in the system requires an update or it could be the design change or structure changes which original equipment manufacturers has done in the part.
Any kind of update in details of parts or prices needs to be done by original equipment manufacturer in Intelli Electronic Parts Catalogue on real time basis and any delay in such update or failure of passing such updated information to dealers may result in confusion to Dealers which will result in loss of revenue to Original Equipment Manufacturers. Intelli electronic parts catalogue is an online web-based parts catalogue software which provide an ease of using functionality to original equipment manufacturers with which they are able to update the different details and attribute about the spare parts. They can also update the prices of the parts and can maintain the historical prices of the parts as well. Therefore, with the help of Intelli electronic parts catalogue software original equipment manufacturers finds it easy to update the design and illustration of the spare parts.
Benefits of Quick Update through Electronic Parts Catalogue
If original equipment manufacturer wants to do any update, be in terms of introducing new part, price update or structural or design changes in the parts, these information and updates are very critical and need to be passed on to dealer as quickly as possible. If the dealer has the updated information about the different parts, they will be well equipped with the latest information and hence they are able to provide better After Sales Service to the customers. The customer may have different queries with respect to the available spare parts and if the dealers don’t have the technical and non-technical knowledge about that spare part it becomes very difficult for them to convince the customer and this could hamper the sale of spare part to them. Also, whenever dealer fixes any issue in the product the updated list of part helps them in identifying the correct part which they can use to fix the issue that has come in any product.
With the availability of the latest price dealer has the updated list of spare part and latest price this also avoid confusion between dealer and original equipment manufacturer and as Intelli electronic parts catalogue maintain history of each parts, dealers always referred to what was the earlier price of the part and what is the current price of the part. These updated details provided by Intelli electronic parts catalogue helps in bringing more trust and confidence between dealer and Original Equipment Manufacturers and they both can contribute more to increase the revenue of the business.
For more information and details about Intelli Electronic Parts Catalogue Software and our other World class products, visit our website We assure you of the best in class products which will help you to grow your business.