
Dealers Contribution to iWiki Through Share Idea

Intellinet Systems
5 min read

One of the most critical job of original equipment manufacturer is to provide after Sales Service and support to the dealers whenever any fault comes in the parts of the product, they fix the issue on the parts to make the product running without any challenges. With the advancement of the technology, OEM keeps on enhancing the features of the products and hence knowledge of such announcement needs to be shared with different dealers which are spread across different regions. They can share technical and non-technical changes which they have done in any product with the help of intelli Wiki solution provided by Intellinet.

Knowledge Base System

iWiki system which is a web based solution is an online helpful system. With this system if dealer faces any technical issue while fixing any issue on the parts, they can search for different literatures which are published in intelli wiki system. Functionality provided by a Intelli wiki doesn't end with availability of technical literature but it also provides unique feature with which dealers are able to share their views and ideas with OEM thus making Intelli Wiki system a two way communication tool. Based on the technical expertise of the dealers, they can refer the literature and with the practical experience of the different dealers which are spread across different regions they can share their ideas with OEM to make the solution which is available online more effective and up to date.

Dealers are the first point of contact for any issues which is faced by end customer or even for fixing the issues arise at any stock which is in dealer inventory. They have real time experience and with the shared Idea functionality available in in Intelli Wiki, they can contribute effectively in making the technical literature available in the online web-based solution more effective and practical. Each dealer has their own approach of dealing the issues. Different dealers may approach same issue in a different way and even for the same issue the solution implemented could be different from one dealer to another Dealer. With the help of share your functionality, they can contribute their idea and share the same with original equipment manufacturer. Once OEM receives the ideas from different dealers they review those ideas in detail and based on their review they can convert those ideas directly into the technical literature and publish the same in Intelli wiki as a solution so that those idea in the form of Technical literature can be referred by other dealers who may be facing such issues and based on the solution provided they can fix the same.

With share idea functionality provided by in Intelli Wiki system, Dealers find them more participative and hence increase the collaboration between oem and dealers. With the various fixes available with different dealers based on different ideas for the same issues, it will also help in providing variety of options to choose from based on the requirement to fix the issue.

For more information and details about intelli wiki and our other World class products, visit our website

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